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With our pre-recorded on-demand video courses, you can study wherever you want and whenever you like.  All you need is a large-enough screen on which to view the content comfortably and a connection to the Internet. 

OET Insights Speaking Course for Doctors

OET Insights: Speaking Course for Doctors

For the Medicine Speaking Sub-Test

Be guided through the OET criteria, learn useful phrases that you can use during your role-play consultations and in real life. 





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For the OET Pharmacy Speaking Sub-Test

Designed especially for Pharmacists, this course will give you an insight into the assessment criteria and what you need to do in order to score well in your OET Pharmacy Speaking Sub-Test.​


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OET Insights: Writing Course for Doctors

For the Medicine Writing Sub-Test

We look at referral letters, letters of transfer, and discharge letters, and by using models and corrected students' work, this course will help you gain confidence and show you ways you can boost your OET score.


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OET Insights: Reading Course for All Professions

For the Reading Sub-Test ((All Professions)

This course will give you an insight into the OET Reading sub-test and will guide you through it step-by-step. Each sub-section is worked on individually, with parts A, B, and C looked at in turn.



  • Not sure if you are ready to buy?  Just watch a preview video below.

  • Be reassured that with our course platform, Udemy's money-back guarantee, you can always ask for a refund if you find that studying this way is not quite for you.


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OET Insights by Bose Learning

Absolutely great!

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Very beneficial course with a lovely instructor!

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Bose learning for all parts of OET are best, concise. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

©2025 by Bose English: Training and Consultancy. OET, IELTS, Business and General English.

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