Some of you who are practising for your OET may be struggling with grammar and in particular, the present perfect.
If that's you, then our latest YouTube video is especially for you. In it, we look over the difference between the present perfect and the past simple in meaning and use. We also look at how we can use it to transform case notes into proper sentences - remember, that is something you'll have to do if you're going to take your OET writing sub-test.
If you have a question about the OET that you'd like us to answer for you, feel free to send us an email and we will try to feature your question in one of our next videos.
In the meantime, why not check out our on-demand video courses on Udemdy. We've recorded lectures for OET students that you can go through in your own time. You'll even get a discount by clicking through on our link.
Take care, and see you next time!