Whose line is it anyway?
It’s yours! In the OET role-plays for the speaking sub-test, it’s you who’s in charge. It’s not like some other English tests where you wait for the examiner or interlocutor to start and ask you a question, and then you answer it and wait for the next one. In the role-plays, you are you, and you have a job to do.
Part of that job is to manage the consultation and direct the flow of the conversation as you would in your normal working lives. You know what information will help you reach your diagnosis, and you need to get it. So start the conversation, ask the questions, listen to the answers, and then steer the conversation as necessary.
That’s not to say you should talk over your patient or not listen to them. They have come to see you, after all, and have a come for a reason. It’s your job to find out why and manage the consultation so you can get to an efficient diagnosis and be able to give advice as necessary.
Think about how to start. Then, move on to open questions before using closed ones to reach your diagnosis. Follow up with your prescription, advice, or discussion about the next steps, and finally round off the consultation with a summary or opportunity for the patient to ask questions.
You do it normally in your professional lives, so now do it in your OET role-plays.
For more help, useful phrases, pronunciation guides, and a look at model consultations, try our on-demand video course packed with useful OET Insights.
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