Hello Everyone,
I hope you are having a great October. Sorry for being rather quiet, but having not been anywhere near a hospital for most of my life, I ended up going 3 times in 3 weeks for 3 different reasons! I had to go in for an endoscopy (planned), urgent care to treat a finger that wouldn't stop bleeding (never try to clean a food mixer!), and accompany my grandfather to Accident and Emergency after a fall, so I've not had a lot of time to write to you and see how the courses are going. Everything is thankfully OK, and all the healthcare staff we met were amazing. I kept listening out for good bits of language they were using too!
Well, if you do have any questions about the OET you can always ask. If you'd like more practice, check out my YouTube channel where you'll find over 200 videos on the OET. Here's a new one on Reading Part A and here's a little bit of Halloween OET writing fun for you.
Take care,