So, what is the OET exactly? Want to know more? Read our little presentation and find out about our OET online modular courses.
What is the OET?
The Occupational English Test (OET) is an international language test designed specifically for those in the health care profession.
It covers all four skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) and explores communication typical of work place scenarios.
The listening and reading tests are the same for all test-takers, but the writing and speaking are profession-specific.
The OET qualification is recognised by boards and councils across the world, including the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, and Singapore.
There are 107 test venues in 40 different countries.
How is the test scored?
The test is scored from 0-500 in 10 point increments.
For most test-takers, a score of at least 350 is needed. This translates to a Grade B.
However, be careful, to get a score of 350 / 500 it doesn’t mean that you have to get 75% of your answers right! There’s a complicated algorithm used to grade test-takers’ work.
Why is it divided into 10 point increments? To help test-takers identify where they are on the scale (and how far away or close they are from achieving their goal).
How long do I need to study?
Well, that all depends on your level of English. It is after all, an English language test, so you will need to have a good foundation in grammar and an extensive vocabulary.
For someone who is achieving around 300-340, OET recommends around 40-150 hours of guided study.
You will also have to develop your test-taking techniques, such as skimming and scanning.
We recommend that you start preparing for the test when you have achieved a high B2 / C1 level of English.
What courses can you study with Bose Learning?
Our group online courses are modular, so you can pick and choose which ones you want to take, or buy the whole package.
They will run every month and the course is repeated on a monthly cycle.
Click here for further details. about our OET online modular courses.
Good luck with your studies!
Click on the link to buy our on-demand video course.